

admin 2023-05-02 84 抢沙发
英语节作文(英语节作文300字)摘要: 写英语节的英语作文。the Middle-Autumn FestivalThe Middle-Autumn Festival is one...


the Middle-Autumn Festival

The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals,it is often held in September or October.During the festival,family members get united and have mooncakes together.THere are various kind of mooncakes,such as bean paste,egg-yolk or meat.The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon.Moreover,in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival,people get together in a vacant place,eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky.To conclude,the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.


1. 英语作文一件快乐的事 怎么写

I feel that taking exercise is good for our health. I often felt tired when I was studying before. From this term I keep on running when I get up in the morning. After class I often go to play basketball with my friends. Now I feel much better than before and I never feel tired when I am studying And I improve a lot in my lessons. So please take exercise as often as possible。

2. 快乐的英语节这篇作文怎么写












3. 快乐的英语怎么写,



词性:adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的;快乐的。n. 人名,快乐。


happy new year 新年快乐

happy birthday 生日快乐

happy life 幸福生活

happy family 快乐家庭

happy every day 快乐每一天

wish you happy 祝你快乐

happy time 欢乐时光

happy birthday to you 生日快乐

happy everyday 快乐每一天

be happy with 与…在一起很高兴

happy person 幸福的人

happy marriage 美满的婚姻

happy holiday 快乐的节日

happy valentine's day 情人节快乐

more than happy 非常高兴

happy childhood 快乐的童年

happy home 快乐家庭

happy valley 欢乐谷

happy hour 快乐时间

happy spring festival 春节快乐


1、That happy day will be for ever embedded in my memory.


2、Talking with her, you'd try to head off your happy marrige.


3、The pianist played the happy pair out with the wedding March.


4、Now the old man is living a happy life.


5、The happy life we have today was not easily won.


6、What do I have to be happy about?


4. 关于 快乐 的英语作文

快乐的暑假生活-Happy Summer Holidays

My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent o weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.



I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers and lovely amimals there.I breathed the fresh air on the mountain and sometimes I went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.

I liked not only the scene of the countryside, but also the people there. I helped them to do farm work. I also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. The children were interested in English. They were good at reading and writing, but did not do well in listening and speaking. I helped them improve their listening and speaking. Their parents thought highly of me. I realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.



5. 谁能帮我写一篇关于快乐的英语作文

To keep a happy heart Today you happy? I often like it bluntly asked my friend, but most just *** ile when they are, do not answer. Perhaps this seemingly simple but in reality has a heavy amount of questioning, therefore, for a time actually does not dare to conclusions.Indeed, happiness is hard to find a unified model and definition of happiness was originally just a personal feeling. However, I think happiness is still thought to be a uniform interpretation. Because, in fact, happy mood, in what could not say, do not say anything in a time of gazing, a copy of gratitude, the story tie a tie, will gradually sink in the hearts of silt, forming a silent enlightened. You may not choose the fate of joy, happiness can not choose the way, but you will be able to choose a happy idea. Happy first question is, do not burden your heart; happy connotation is that your life be full of confidence. In fact, many human troubles did not e from hard work, but from idle; not from defeat, but from selfishness and jealousy.I thought many times do not understand why now many kids my age and, obviously enjoying the selfless dedication and love of family, clothes to food to mouth live hand responsive fortable life, but just like the self-inflicted deserted sad sad sad look, it seems like the world owed him. And this strong that the pain has bee almost a fashion, a trend, a much sought after young writers writing mode. Is it only unhappy, in order to reflect their deep and different? Is happy to have been very di *** issive of it superficial? In my dictionary, the interpretation of happiness is "simple and beautiful spiritual experience." Simple to the extreme is profound. Simple and good life, such as Dishuichuanshi, allowing Zhise life *** ooth, melt the hardened heart, hustle and bustle of the world to have clue. A simple soul, will create a pure character, and bring us pure joy. In short, happiness is an open-minded, a mind, a state, happiness is the most humble and most noble attitude towards life.Happy earth, and flowers bloom on; happy sky, the sun shone on; memory of happiness, and light up the pace on; you happy, love your people satisfied. People as happy and beautiful, happy and wonderful life because, as happy and learned the fate of infinite power. Behind every little joy, have a huge hidden grace, like a drop of water, the sun can shine out brilliant. With happiness than with any other things to be simple, in any case do not fet to love the sunroof open, and this is the secret of happiness, that happiness is the most convenient access method.Yes, I am very happy, I love all the good things in the world and with a grateful heart, I and the existence of any nature have maintained a life of harmony and friendly relations. A flower, a fish, the wind's embrace, kiss moon, friendship love, family fetters, every little move will make my heart became warm and clear. For me, happiness is life's most easy to obtain a nutrient.Yes, I am very happy, happy to grow up in joy in traveling, happy to enjoy life in the fun.Yes, I am very happy, because I was many, many people love; I am very happy, because I can love many, many people.。

6. 英语作文怎么写

My Summer Trip

I went to three cities to play during last summer holidays. They are Beijing, Dalian and HuHehot.

I went to Beijing more than eight times. Beijing is the capital of China. It's a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing. It takes an hour and forty minutes from Nantong to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing. It's a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Palace Museum, the Beihai Park, the Space Museum, etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don't miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice.

Dalian is a beautiful city. Dalian is close to Beijing. I spent 5o minutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I *** elled the salty taste in the air. The roads are clean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are many esplanades and Japanese buildings. There are some fountains in one of the esplanades. Some people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beach and the sea. The sea is blue. There were many swimmers in the sea. I lay on the beach to see the sky.Dalian is a very nice place to live.

Huhehot is in Inner Mongol. There are lots of large grasslands. The grasslands are endless. The sky is bright blue. There were a lot of horses and sheep. They were running or eating grass. I rode a horse on the grass land. I picked some colourful flowers. We drank the tea with milk. There is a *** all desert, it was very hot when I walked on it. The sand could sing.

These trips helped me open my eyes. I enjoyed my day.

7. 以快乐为题目的英语作文

What is happiness Happy is neither a gift nor a right, we must take the initiative to seek out, heart to pursue in order to obtain. When you try new things, accept new challenges, because you will discover a new dimension of life but pleasantly surprised. There are dreams, there to pursue, there will be happy. Because the course of the struggle and achieve the goals of the brilliant, can engender immense pleasure. What is happiness - we have to learn to tell myself over and not with others than to recognize their own weaknesses and humbly accept the remendations of others, help and advice, to abandon his mind to bear the "acplishments" stress. Believe that today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. What is happiness - "caring only for their own people will turn their own slaves." If only for myself, life will bee narrow-minded, always been limited. "Human need for love", to be respected by others, first of all to respect other people first, when you right around anything, then full of love, the world will bee a better human. Happiness is a state of mind, happiness is not from the object, it is not a thing. Happy is not a chase - you do not need to firmly grasp it, because it's in your heart, you have got it. But this does not mean you do not need to contribute their energies to it. Happy like a party, you sit down to enjoy the fun - but only you want it, you are ready for it until lightly e prepared to allow himself happy bar! Let the good place bar! If you are not happy, then the best way to find happiness is to boost morale, so that actions and words seem to have felt happy look. Make your face showing a happy *** iling face to upright, properly took a deep breath, and then sing a short song; If you are harmonically-challenged, on the whistle; if you do not whistle, we sing a ballad. You will soon discover that you simply will not be worried and decadence go on. If we want to develop peaceful and happy state of mind, please remember the following words: "With a happy thought and action, you can be happy." Happy living columnist Harris and friends to buy a newspaper on the newsstand, friends, and politely said thank you to the newspaper vendors, but the newspaper vendors had lengkou cold shoulder, without a word. "This guy, poor attitude, is not it?" They move on when Harris asked. "He's like every night." Friend. "Then why are you so kind to him?" Harris asked. Friend A: "Why should I let him decide my actions?" Every one has the "key to happiness," but we are often unwittingly give it to someone else in charge. 【译文】快乐是什么快乐既非一份礼物,也不是一项权利,我们得主动寻觅、用心去追求,才能得到。


因为奋斗的过程和达到目标时的辉煌,都能使人产生无比的快乐。 快乐是什么—我们要学会跟自己比,不跟别人比,承认自己的弱点,虚心接受别人的建议、帮助和忠告,抛弃自己心头承受的“成就”的压力。

相信今天比昨天好,明天比今天更好。 快乐是什么—“只顾自己的人结果会变成自己的奴隶。”



但这并不表示你就不需要贡献一些精力给它。快乐就像一场宴会,你坐下来享受其中的乐趣—但只有你要它、你已准备好迎接它时才翩然到来,准备让自己快乐吧!让快乐发生吧! 假如你感到不快乐,那么所能找到快乐的方法,就是振奋精神,使行动和言词好像已经感觉到快乐的样子。


假如我们想培养宁静和快乐的心境,请记住下面的话:“有了快乐的思想和行动,你就能得到快乐。” 快乐的活着专栏作家哈里斯和朋友在报摊上买报纸,朋友礼貌地对报贩说了声谢谢,但报贩却冷口冷脸,没发一言。



朋友答:“为什么我要让他决定我的行为?” 每个人心中都有把“快乐的钥匙”,但我们却常在不知不觉中把它交给别人掌管。


1. 求一篇关于英语节的作文

昨天下午开展的英语节闭幕式表演让我们回味无穷,过后的游园活动,更让缓局我们乐在其中,让我们享受学习英语的乐趣,让我们…… 我们都控制不住自己兴奋的心情,叽叽喳喳地说个不停。

当主持人来到台上,宣布第五届英语节闭幕式表演正式开始时,我们才出奇地安静下来,认真欣赏同学们表演的精彩英语节目,个个节目都生动形象,让小观众们饱了眼福。我暗暗佩服起来,心里想:要想练得这么好,得要下一番功夫呢!遇上好玩的节目,我一定会使劲拍手,把我的小手都拍红了呢! 最令我难忘的事情还是闭幕式表演之后的游园活动,只有四、五、六年级的同学参加。

五、六年级的一些大哥哥和大姐姐们摆了一些摊位,在里面搞了一些有趣的英语小游戏,只要答对了,他们都会给我们一些好吃的糖果让我们享受。 我先来到五(4)班的领地,一位大姐姐拿着一张卡纸,上面写着:beautiful – 反义词(美丽的反义词)卡片上给了提示:“丑陋的”,我灵机一动,心想:今天上午的英语课不是学了“丑陋的”这个单词吗?正好可以派上用场哩!我赶紧对大姐姐说:“反义词是ugly(丑陋的)。”



时间过得飞快,转眼间,下课铃打响了,我们都恋恋不舍地走了,真希望时间能再多一点! 这个英语节过得可真愉快、开心呀。

2. 英语节的作文




我先来到五(4)班的领地,一位大姐姐拿着一张卡纸,上面写着:beautiful – 反义词(美丽的反义词)卡片上给了提示:“丑陋的”,我灵机一动,心想:今天上午的英语课不是学了“丑陋的”这个单词吗?正好可以派上用场哩!我赶紧对大姐姐说:“反义词是ugly(丑陋的)。”我回答对了,大姐姐给我一张纸条,让我去后面领糖果,我高兴极了,蹦蹦跳跳地来到了领糖处,拿了一颗糖。这让我信心十足,觉得没什么难的。我又来了一次,果然又成功了,我有点飘飘然了,我想:可不能飘飘然,否则后面就要完蛋了。其他同学也争先恐后地排着队,一点儿也不想浪费时间。




3. 关于英语节的英语作文

How time flies. I'm very happy that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China,such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I'd like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival,people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight,they set off fireworks to wele the new year. During the festival,kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are. Best wishes!。

4. 快乐的英语节这篇作文怎么写












5. 【《快乐的英语节》三年级作文300字】

欢乐的英语节 这一周,我们学校举行了一学期一度的英语节.每天都要通过3关或者2关才能进学校,早上有2关(有的时候1关),下午进学校又要过一关. 第一天的早上,我来到学校.刚到门口,突然门口的一个人把我拦住了.并说:“想进去吗,先过我这一关. 我仔细看了看他,在他挂在喉咙底下的牌子上写着:英语小明星.我这才知道要举行英语节.便等待他的问题,他猛然间说了一句:“Hi!”嘻嘻,他把我当谁了,我随声应到:“Hi!”他又接着问:“Howareyou?”这可是我最熟的问题了.我回答道:“I'm fine,Thank you!”他最后问了一句:“What'syouname?”我跟着说:“My name is siwei,chen.”他只好认输,说:“Comeplase.”我轻轻松松地通过了第一关,接着就进入第2关.那人开始就问我:“Nice to meet to you.”这不是很早就学过了吗?我应声道:“Nice to meet you.”正在我得意忘形的时候,她问:“Howdoyoudo?”糟了,这个我可忘记了,该怎么回答呢?我思索了半天,最后还是退回去了.我去问了问其他的同学,原来只要跟着她读就行了.这次我吸取了教训,过了第二句.她再问:“When do you get up?”我快速地说:“I get up at six in the morning.”又过了最后一句. 我觉得开展英语节是一个很好的活动,这样有利于我们学习英语的.希望学校以后多多开展像这样的活动.。

6. 英语作文 英语节体会

Wind rustling leaves, he thought, it is winter. In this day and age, the second world English festival already pulled open heavy curtain. English festival, not just in one hand to enhance our oral munication ability, and thus has given us a chance to shine, for we construct a stage to display themselves. In this English festival, of our class English essays, I think students spend a lot of time. Whether the preliminaries or final, we try to do my best.Due to the time very pact, most of us are with you rehearse self-study lessons and noon lunch repair time. But students do not have any plaint, one each for use the shortest time to sketch row till the best. Because of our sketch characters more, so want to set neat people bee a big problem. Because noon sometimes have part of students is to attend GuHaoDui training, so the rehearsal of time again reduced. But we still are relatively tight time? Will sketch row out.In the process, we rehearse beeen the clas *** ate self-help, some clas *** ates pronunciation hair forbid, other homeing patience taught him, Some clas *** ates didn't back, lines to some students will also help them back lines, some students perform insufficiently to arrive, the other students will also even for its correct mistakes。

In this English festival, we not only in the queue sketch process, expanded our knowledge, but also to further improve our spoken English speaking skills. In this English festival, we pay a lot and learned a lot of, learned a lot, I believe, although in this English festival, fails to win we have in mind the ideal result, however, we will continue to strive for the next world of English festival and make more outstanding result.翻译:树叶随风簌簌作响,转念一想,又是冬天了。在这样的日子里,第二界英语节早已拉开了帷幕。





在排练的过程中,我们同学之间互帮互助,有同学发音发不准,其他同学会耐心教他;有同学台词没背好,一些同学也会帮助他们背好台词,有的同学表演不够到位,其他同学也会即使为其纠正错误…… 在这次的英语节中,我们不只在排小品的过程中,扩展了我们的知识面,而且也进一步提高了我们的英语口语会话能力。在这次的英语节中,我们付出了很多,收获了很多,学会了很多,我相信,虽然在这次的英语节中,未能取得我们心目中较为理想的成绩,但是,我们将继续努力,争取在下一界的英语节中,取得更加优异的成绩。

7. 一篇描写英语节的作文500字,我非常急用,求求各位好心人,帮我一

Yesterday afternoon to carry out English Festival closing performance let us with an endless aftertaste, after the garden activities, let us enjoy it, let us enjoy the fun of learning English, let us。

We are unable to control his excited mood, itter said without stopping. When the host came on the stage and announced the fifth session of English Festival closing performance officially began, we surprisingly quiet down, seriously appreciate students of the performing wonderful English programs, each program are vivid, let a younger audience had feast. I secretly admire and thought: if you want to practice so good, a lot of effort! Meet fun program, I will hard to clap hands, put my hands beat red!The most unfettable thing or the closing performance after the garden activities, only the fourth, fifth and sixth grade students to participate in. In the fifth and sixth grade some big brother and big sister who put the number of stalls, in which engage in some interesting English games, as long as the correct answer, they will give us some delicious candies, let us enjoy.I first came to the five (4) class territory, a big sister holding a piece of paper, writing above: beautiful - (opposite of beautiful cards to give a hint of antonyms): "ugly", I thought, I thought: English class this morning not learned the word "ugly"? Just can e in handy! I quickly said: "the big sister is ugly (ugly)." I answered yes, elder sister gave me a piece of paper, let me go back collar candy, I was very happy, skipping to get candy, took a sugar it makes me feel confident, not what difficult. I once again, it was successful, I have a little bit, I think: can't be *** ug, otherwise it will be the end of the back. The other students will fall over each other to line up, don't want to waste time.I turned around and saw six (4) class there is also very lively and ran to look, the original is in spell the word. I also involved, I looked at the card, all of a sudden knew woof woof) this word, the big sister see I spelled right, award a blue folder, I happily to: today's harvest is not *** all ah! And many students in the bargain, hope can award candy.Time flies, suddenly the bell started, we are unable to part to go, I really hope that time can more!This English Festival has been really happy, happy ah!。

8. 英语文化节 作文

English cultural Festival In the beginning of May,our school held a activity related to English.It is called English cultural festival.It lasted for a week.Almost all classes took part in . This cultural festival had various programs which attract many students.There was a flea market where many people choosed to sing.Here lots of students crowded here.The helding of English karaoke contest attracted those who love to sing English songs to show themselves.It allowed to sing with only one person also a position.One position of my class won the first prize.Besides English karaoke contest,we also have a English playlet contest.It is very pity that our class only won the third prize because we had exceed the time.But we thought our performance was very good.We expressed our feeling our words appropriately.The most important ,with the hard training,our whole class got through the mon difficulties and happiness.The hard working was worthwhile.Most important,our whole class took part in .It embodied our unity. The most interesting program in this cultural festival was English word contest.If you didn't have enough English words capacity,you would lose this contest .It also can help us to memorize more words.Our class has s first prize owner also a third one. The last program is English garden tour.Our class was responsible for proposition.If someone won ,he would have award.Our topic is describing a scenery in English.Class Three won the first prize. This English cultural festival was very successful.Students were all satisfied for it.From this activity,more and more students has interest in learning Englis.We hope this kind of activity can be held more.。




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