

admin 06-26 516
200句日常生活英语摘要: Sentence & Translation 1 – 100Hi, how are you today?嗨,今天好嗎?I’m good, thanks. How...

Sentence & Translation 1 – 100

  • Hi, how are you today?嗨,今天好嗎?
  • I’m good, thanks. How about you?我很好,謝謝,你呢?
  • I’m doing well, thank you.我很好,謝謝
  • What did you do over the weekend?你週末做了什麼?
  • I went hiking. It was really fun.我去遠足了,真的很好玩
  • That sounds great. Where did you go?聽起來不錯,你去哪兒了?
  • We went to the mountains near the city.我們去了城市附近的山區
  • I love hiking too. Maybe we can go together sometime.我也喜歡徒步旅行,也許有機會我們可以一起去
  • That would be awesome. Let’s plan it soon.那太好了,讓我們盡快計劃一下
  • Sure, I’ll check my schedule.好的,我看看我的日程表
  • Do you have any plans for tonight?今晚有什麼計劃嗎?
  • I’m thinking of cooking dinner at home.我想在家做晚飯
  • That sounds nice. What are you going to make?聽起來不錯,你打算做什麼?
  • I’m planning to make spaghetti.我打算做義大利麵條
  • Yum, I love spaghetti. Do you need any help?我喜歡義大利麵,需要幫忙嗎?
  • Actually, that would be great. Thanks!事實上,那太好了,謝謝
  • What time should I come over?我什麼時候過來?
  • How about around 6 PM?下午 6 點左右如何?
  • Perfect, I’ll see you then.太好了,到時候見
  • Great, see you later.太好了,回頭見
  • Excuse me, do you know where the nearest coffee shop is?打擾一下,您知道最近的咖啡館在哪裡嗎?
  • Yes, there’s one just around the corner.知道,拐角處就有一家
  • Thank you so much.非常感謝
  • No problem. Have a nice day!沒問題,祝您愉快
  • You too!你也是
  • Can I help you with anything?有什麼需要幫忙的嗎?
  • Yes, I’m looking for a new phone.是的,我想買一部新手機
  • What kind of phone are you interested in?您對哪種手機感興趣?
  • I’m looking for something with a good camera.我在找一款攝像頭好的手機
  • I recommend this model. It has a great camera and battery life.我推薦這款手機,它的攝像頭和電池續航能力都很棒
  • That looks perfect. I’ll take it.看起來很不錯,我要了
  • Would you like a case with that?要不要配個手機殼?
  • Yes, please. I’ll take a black one.好的,謝謝,我要一個黑色的
  • Sure, let me get that for you.好的,我幫你拿
  • Thank you for your help.謝謝您的幫助
  • How do you usually get to work?你通常怎麼上班?
  • I take the bus. It’s pretty convenient.我坐公交車,很方便
  • Do you ever drive?您開車嗎?
  • Sometimes, but parking is a hassle.有時,但停車很麻煩
  • I know what you mean. I prefer public transport too.我明白你的意思,我也更喜歡公共交通
  • It saves a lot of money and time.它能節省很多錢和時間
  • Absolutely. Plus, it’s better for the environment.當然,而且對環境更好
  • That’s true. I should use it more often.沒錯,我應該多用它
  • Maybe we can commute together sometime.也許有機會我們可以一起上下班
  • That sounds like a good idea.這聽起來是個好主意
  • Can you pass me the salt, please?能把鹽遞給我嗎?
  • Sure, here you go.當然,給你
  • Thanks. This soup is really delicious.謝謝,這湯真好喝
  • I’m glad you like it. It’s my mom’s recipe.很高興你喜歡,這是我媽媽的食譜
  • She must be a great cook.她一定是個很棒的廚師
  • She is. I learned a lot from her.是的,我從她那裡學到了很多
  • Well, you’re doing a fantastic job.你做得太棒了
  • Thanks! I appreciate that.謝謝,我很感激
  • Do you want some more soup?還要湯嗎?
  • Yes, please. It’s so good.好的,謝謝,太好喝了
  • What’s your favorite movie?你最喜歡哪部電影?
  • I love action movies. How about you?我喜歡動作片,你呢?
  • I’m more into comedies.我更喜歡喜劇片
  • Any recommendations?有什麼推薦嗎?
  • You should watch “Superbad.” It’s hilarious.你應該看看 “超壞”,太搞笑了
  • I’ve heard about it. I’ll check it out.我聽說過,我會檢查一下
  • Let me know what you think after you watch it.看完後告訴我你的想法
  • Sure, I’ll do that.當然,我會的
  • Do you usually watch movies at home or in theaters?你通常是在家裡還是在影院看電影?
  • Mostly at home. It’s more comfortable.主要在家裡,比較舒服
  • Can I ask you a favor?能請您幫個忙嗎?
  • Of course. What do you need?當然可以,您需要什麼?
  • Could you help me move some furniture this weekend?這個週末你能幫我搬些家具嗎?
  • Sure, I’d be happy to help.當然,我很樂意幫忙
  • Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.多謝,對此,我真的非常感激
  • No problem. What time should I come over?沒問題,我什麼時候過來?
  • How about 10 AM on Saturday?週六上午 10 點怎麼樣?
  • That works for me. See you then.我覺得可以,到時候見
  • Great, see you on Saturday.太好了,週六見
  • Thanks again for your help.再次感謝您的幫助
  • Did you watch the game last night?你看了昨晚的比賽嗎?
  • Yes, it was so exciting!看了,太刺激了
  • I can’t believe our team won.真不敢相信我們隊贏了
  • They played really well.他們打得非常好
  • Who’s your favorite player?你最喜歡的球員是誰?
  • I really like the quarterback. He’s amazing.我很喜歡四分衛,他太棒了
  • Yeah, he’s definitely talented.是的,他絕對很有天賦
  • Do you think they’ll win the championship?你認為他們會奪冠嗎?
  • I hope so. They’re playing great this season.希望如此,他們本賽季打得很棒
  • Fingers crossed!祈禱吧
  • Do you have any pets?你有寵物嗎?
  • Yes, I have a dog. How about you?有,我養了一條狗,你呢?
  • I have a cat. She’s very independent.我有一隻貓,她很獨立
  • Dogs are more social, but cats are easier to take care of.狗更善於社交,但貓更容易照顧
  • That’s true. They both have their pros and cons.沒錯,它們各有利弊
  • What’s your dog’s name?你的狗叫什麼名字?
  • His name is Max. What’s your cat’s name?它叫 Max,你的貓叫什麼名字?
  • Her name is Luna.她叫 Luna
  • Cute names! Do they get along with other animals?可愛的名字,它們和其他動物相處好嗎?
  • Max loves to play with other dogs. Luna prefers to be alone.Max 喜歡和其他狗狗一起玩,露娜喜歡獨處
  • What are you reading right now?你現在在讀什麼書?
  • I’m reading a mystery novel. It’s really gripping.我在讀一本推理小說,非常吸引人
  • That sounds interesting. Who’s the author?聽起來很有趣,作者是誰?
  • It’s by Agatha Christie.阿加莎-克里斯蒂的作品
  • I’ve heard of her. I’ll have to check it out.我聽說過她,我得去看看
  • Sentence & Translation 101 – 200

  • Do you like cooking?你喜歡烹飪嗎?
  • Yes, I enjoy it a lot. How about you?是的,我很喜歡,你呢?
  • I do too. What’s your favorite dish to make?我也喜歡,你最喜歡做什麼菜?
  • I love making homemade pizza.我喜歡自製披薩
  • That sounds delicious. What’s your secret ingredient?聽起來很好吃,你的秘方是什麼?
  • I add a bit of honey to the dough.我在麵團裡加了一點蜂蜜
  • Interesting! I’ll have to try that.有意思,我得試試
  • Let me know how it turns out.讓我知道結果如何
  • Will do! Thanks for the tip.我會的,謝謝你的建議
  • Anytime! Happy cooking.隨時效勞,烹飪愉快
  • How often do you exercise?您多長時間鍛煉一次?
  • I try to work out three times a week. How about you?我儘量每週鍛煉三次,你呢?
  • I usually go for a run every morning.我通常每天早上跑步
  • That’s impressive. Do you run long distances?真了不起,你長跑嗎?
  • Not really, just about three miles.不算長,大概三英里吧
  • Still, that’s great. It must keep you in good shape.還是很不錯,它一定能讓你保持好身材
  • It helps. Plus, it’s a great way to start the day.有幫助,另外,這也是開始新一天的好方法
  • I should start running too.我也應該開始跑步
  • You should! It’s really refreshing.你應該開始跑步,它真的很提神
  • I’ll give it a try this weekend.這週末我就試試
  • What do you do for fun?你有什麼娛樂活動?
  • I like to read and watch movies. You?我喜歡讀書和看電影,你呢?
  • I enjoy playing video games and hiking.我喜歡玩電子遊戲和遠足
  • What’s your favorite video game?你最喜歡的電子遊戲是什麼?
  • I’m really into “The Legend of Zelda” series.我非常喜歡《薩爾達傳說》系列
  • That’s a classic! Do you play on a console or PC?那是經典之作,你玩遊戲機還是電腦?
  • I play on a console. It’s more comfortable for me.我用遊戲機,這對我來說更舒服
  • I see. Maybe I should try it out.我明白了,也許我應該試試
  • You definitely should. It’s a lot of fun.你絕對應該試試,它非常有趣
  • Thanks for the recommendation.謝謝你的推薦
  • How do you spend your weekends?您如何度過週末?
  • I usually relax and catch up on chores. You?我通常會放鬆一下,做做家務,你呢?
  • I like to go out with friends and explore new places.我喜歡和朋友出去玩,探索新的地方
  • That sounds fun. Any favorite spots?聽起來很有趣,有喜歡的地方嗎?
  • There’s a great coffee shop downtown I love.市中心有一家很棒的咖啡店,我很喜歡
  • I’ll have to check it out sometime.有機會我一定要去看看
  • You should! They have amazing pastries too.你應該去看看,他們的糕點也很棒
  • Sounds perfect. I’ll definitely visit.聽起來不錯,我一定會去的
  • Let me know when you go. Maybe we can meet up.你去的時候告訴我一聲,也許我們可以見面
  • Sure thing! That would be great.沒問題,那太好了
  • Do you prefer tea or coffee?您喜歡茶還是咖啡?
  • I prefer coffee. How about you?我更喜歡咖啡,你呢?
  • I’m more of a tea person.我更喜歡喝茶
  • What’s your favorite type of tea?你最喜歡哪種茶?
  • I love green tea. It’s very refreshing.我喜歡綠茶,很提神
  • Green tea is nice. I like it too, but coffee gives me energy.綠茶不錯,我也喜歡,但咖啡能讓我精力充沛
  • I get that. I just enjoy the calming effect of tea.我明白,我只是喜歡茶的鎮靜作用
  • Makes sense. We all have our preferences.有道理,我們都有自己的偏好
  • Exactly. Both are great in their own way.沒錯,兩者各有千秋
  • True. It’s nice to have options.沒錯,有選擇是件好事
  • How was your day at work?今天工作怎麼樣?
  • It was busy but productive. How about yours?很忙,但很有成效,你呢?
  • Pretty much the same. Lots of meetings.差不多,很多會議
  • Meetings can be exhausting.開會會讓人筋疲力盡
  • Tell me about it. At least we got a lot done.說來聽聽,至少我們完成了很多工作
  • That’s good. Achieving goals feels great.這很好,實現目標的感覺很棒
  • Absolutely. Any plans for the evening?當然,晚上有什麼計劃嗎?
  • Just relaxing at home. You?在家休息一下,你呢?
  • Same here. Maybe watch some TV.我也一樣,也許看看電視
  • Sounds like a plan.聽起來不錯
  • Do you enjoy traveling?你喜歡旅行嗎?
  • Yes, I love exploring new places. How about you?是的,我喜歡探索新的地方,你呢?
  • I enjoy it too. Any favorite destinations?我也喜歡,有最喜歡的目的地嗎?
  • I really loved visiting Japan. The culture is amazing.我非常喜歡去日本,那裡的文化令人驚嘆
  • I’ve always wanted to go there. What did you like the most?我一直想去那裡,你最喜歡什麼?
  • The food and the scenery were incredible.美食和美景都令人難以置信
  • I’ll definitely add it to my travel list.我一定會把它加入我的旅行清單
  • You won’t regret it. It’s an unforgettable experience.你不會後悔的,這是一次難忘的經歷
  • Thanks for the tip. I’ll start planning.謝謝您的建議,我會開始計劃的
  • Anytime! Happy travels.隨時恭候,旅途愉快
  • Have you seen the new movie everyone is talking about?你看過大家都在談論的新電影嗎?
  • Yes, I watched it last weekend. Did you see it?是的,我上週末看了,你看了嗎?
  • Not yet. Is it worth watching?還沒看,值得看嗎?
  • Definitely. It’s really well-made.當然值得,製作精良
  • I’ll make sure to watch it soon.我一定會盡快觀看
  • Let me know what you think after you see it.看完後告訴我你的想法
  • Will do! Thanks for the recommendation.我會的,謝謝你的推薦
  • No problem. Enjoy the movie.沒問題,祝您觀影愉快
  • I will. Looking forward to it.我會的,我很期待
  • Have fun!玩得開心
  • Do you use any apps to help with daily tasks?您使用任何應用程序來幫助完成日常任務嗎?
  • Yes, I use a to-do list app. It’s really helpful.是的,我使用一個待辦事項應用程序,它真的很有用
  • Which one do you use?您使用哪一款?
  • I use Todoist. It’s simple and effective.我用 Todoist,它簡單有效
  • I might try that. I need something to keep me organized.我可能會試試,我需要一些能讓我井井有條的東西
  • It’s worth it. It keeps track of everything.值得一試,它能記錄一切
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll download it.謝謝你的建議,我會下載的
  • You’re welcome. Let me know how you like it.不客氣,讓我知道你喜歡它
  • I will. Organization is key.我會的,組織是關鍵
  • Definitely. Good luck!當然,祝你好運
  • Do you like going to concerts?你喜歡聽音樂會嗎?
  • Yes, I love live music. How about you?是的,我喜歡現場音樂,你呢?
  • I enjoy it too. Any favorite bands?我也喜歡,有喜歡的樂隊嗎?
  • I’m a big fan of Coldplay. You?我是酷玩樂隊的忠實粉絲,你呢?
  • I love them too! Their concerts are amazing.我也喜歡他們,他們的音樂會太棒了
  • Have you seen them live?你看過他們的現場表演嗎?
  • Yes, a couple of times. It’s always a great experience.看過幾次,每次都是很棒的體驗
  • I’m jealous. I need to catch their next show.我很嫉妒,我得去看他們的下一場演出
  • You should. It’s definitely worth it.你應該去,絕對值得
  • I’ll keep an eye out for their tour dates.我會留意他們的巡演日期
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