
简单英语入门、经典英文常用高频语句 中英文对照

admin 08-06 140
简单英语入门、经典英文常用高频语句  中英文对照摘要: 英文经典常用语句,简单易懂的例句,有需要的朋友一起复习Given your situation 鉴于你的情况Good for you 对你有好处H 开头He s...


  • Given your situation 鉴于你的情况
  • Good for you 对你有好处

H 开头

  • He shows up, We stick with him 他一出现,我们就跟着他
  • Here's to a lousy christmas 这是一个糟糕的圣诞节
  • How come you are working here 你怎么在这里工作
  • How's it going 怎么样了

I 开头

  • I asked around 我四处打听
  • I don't have a clue 我不知道
  • I don't wanna talk about this anymore 我不想再谈这个了
  • I have no idea what you have said 我不知道你说了什么
  • I hear you 我知道你要说什么、我懂你的意思了
  • I made a fool of myself 我自欺欺人
  • I mean it ! 我是认真的!
  • I planned to go there but something just came up 我打算去那里,但刚刚发生了一些事情
  • I think i should give it a shot 我觉得应该尝试一下
  • I think it works for me 我认为它对我有用
  • I was wondering 我想知道
  • I won't let her go without a fight 我不会轻易放过她的
  • I would like to propose a toast 我想举杯、举杯祝福时用
  • I'll fix it ! 我去搞定!
  • I'll give you a call if anything comes up. 有什么事我会给你打电话的。
  • I'll take care of it 我会搞定的
  • I'm all yours 我全听你的
  • I'm gonna pay for it tonight 今晚我要付出代价
  • I'm not really into sports 我不是很喜欢运动
  • I'm totally over her 我完全胜过她
  • I'm with you 我同意你的观点
  • I've been through this 我有经验、我经历过这个
  • It could happen to anyone 谁都可能会发生这种情况

  • Just follow my lead 跟着我走、听我指挥好了

L 开头

  • Let me put it this way, We're having work whether you're here or not 这么说吧,不管你在不在,我们都有工作
  • Let's get the exam rolling 让我们开始考试
  • Let's make a deal 让我们做个交易
  • Lucky me ! 我真走运/幸运!

M 开头

  • My life flashes before my eyes 我的过往在我眼前浮现
  • My way or the highway 不听我的就滚蛋!顺我者昌逆我者亡

N 开头

  • Not that i did this on purpose 不是我故意这样做的
  • Not that i know of 从来没听说过
  • Nothing to see here 这里没什么好看的、看什么看

R 开头

  • Rachel, You are out of my league 瑞秋跟我不是同一路人、格格不入
  • Storage rooms give me creeps 储藏室让我毛骨悚然、鸡皮疙瘩


  • Take my word for it 相信我的话
  • That's not the point 这不是重点
  • The more i worried about it, The more i couldn't sleep 我越是担心,我越睡不着
  • The worst part is... 最糟糕的部分是...
  • This party stinks 意思是什么事情很糟糕
  • To hell with that bitch 让那表贝见鬼去吧
  • Too bad we must return them 很不幸,我们必须退还它们

W 开头

  • We have to cut our trip short 我们必须缩短行程、中断某事
  • We're more than happy to give you recommendations 我们非常乐意为您提供建议
  • What is with that guy ? 那个家伙到底怎么了?
  • Where were we 我们刚刚说到哪了
  • Why don't we give this a try 我们为什么不试试这个
  • Will be there for you 会在你身边

Y 开头

  • You are nothing like us 你一点都不像我们
  • You are so cute 你太可爱了
  • You are so sweet 你真是太好了
  • You better not 你最好不要
  • You did it 你做到了
  • You do the math 你自己来算一下
  • You scared the shoot(crap) 你把我吓坏了

