
22 个英语常用基本句型: 1. It

admin 08-18 243
22 个英语常用基本句型: 1. It摘要: 22 个英语常用基本句型:1. Its + adj. + for sb. to do sth. (对某人来说做某事是……的)• Its important fo...

22 个英语常用基本句型:

1. It's + adj. + for sb. to do sth. (对某人来说做某事是……的)

• It's important for us to learn English well. (对我们来说学好英语很重要。)

2. There be + sth. + 地点 (某地有某物)

• There are many books on the desk. (桌子上有很多书。)

3. What about...? (……怎么样?)

• What about going shopping this afternoon? (今天下午去购物怎么样?)

4. How about...? (……怎么样?)

• How about playing basketball? (打篮球怎么样?)

5. Let's do sth. (让我们做某事)

• Let's go to school. (让我们去上学。)

6. Would you like to do sth.? (你愿意做某事吗?)

• Would you like to have dinner with me? (你愿意和我一起吃晚饭吗?)

7. enjoy doing sth. (喜欢做某事)

• I enjoy reading books. (我喜欢读书。)

8. be good at doing sth. (擅长做某事)

• She is good at dancing. (她擅长跳舞。)

9. be interested in doing sth. (对做某事感兴趣)

• He is interested in playing football. (他对踢足球感兴趣。)

10. look forward to doing sth. (期待做某事)

• I'm looking forward to seeing you. (我期待见到你。)

11. stop doing sth. (停止做某事)

• Please stop talking. (请停止讲话。)

12. remember doing sth. (记得做过某事)

• I remember meeting him before. (我记得以前见过他。)

13. forget doing sth. (忘记做过某事)

• I forget locking the door. (我忘记锁门了。)

14. keep doing sth. (一直做某事)

• He kept waiting for her. (他一直等她。)

15. practice doing sth. (练习做某事)

• You should practice speaking English every day. (你应该每天练习说英语。)

16. mind doing sth. (介意做某事)

• Do you mind opening the window? (你介意打开窗户吗?)

17. finish doing sth. (完成做某事)

• I finished doing my homework. (我完成了作业。)

18. have fun doing sth. (做某事很开心)

• We had fun playing in the park. (我们在公园玩得很开心。)

19. have trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth. (做某事有困难)

• He has trouble learning Maths. (他学数学有困难。)

20. spend... (in) doing sth. (花费……做某事)

• She spends two hours reading every day. (她每天花两个小时读书。)

21. It takes sb. some time to do sth. (某人花费一些时间做某事)

• It takes me half an hour to go to school by bike. (我骑自行车去上学要花半小时。)

22. be busy doing sth. (忙于做某事)

• My mother is busy cooking. (我妈妈正忙着做饭。)
